Jumat, 08 Desember 2017



     5S is a workplace organization methodology that uses a list of five japanese words which are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. 5S Seiton or Straighten is the process of taking the required items that are remaining after the removal of clutter and arranging them in an efficient manner through the use of ergonomic principles and ensuring that every item “has a place and that everything is in its place.”

    "Set" is based on finding efficient and effective storage of necessary items. Apply "Can see, Can take out, and can return" philosophy. Seiton means to prepare correctly or straighten. This could be understood as organizing correctly following correct method. this means that maintaining things in the right way.

    Seiton implies arranging necessary items in good order so that they can be easily picked for use. Implementing Seiton means that every thing should be kept in it's place only after used.
    Labeling, numbering, zoning for clear identification of storage areas to keep necessary items and set necessary items matching with workflow to minimize unnecessary movement and transportation time is the Setting Activities.

This is example of Setting Activities :

   In seiton, There must be a place for the necessary and it must be in it's place.

    Here's some tactics about kaizen seiton from me. First, store similar items together. Second, store different items in separate rows. Third, label clearly each items and It's storage area and Last is create your tool boards, it's gonna help you and make more easy to work  if you create your own tool boards.

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